Good morning! Day two, or day nine of our countdown to Starstrike Blast(depending on how you're looking at it) seems to be a time for something completely different! Yesterday, we looked at Formula Synchron, a weird little synchro tuner. Here's today's offering:
This complicated little beauty is the Supreme Arcanite Magician and, despite having only a 1400 attack, he's much like Optimus Prime in being more than meets the eye. Lets look at his actual text, which the Yu-Gi-Oh wikia is so kind in providing us:
1 Spellcaster-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Spellcaster-Type monster
This card cannot be Special Summoned from your Extra Deck except by Fusion Summon. When this card is Fusion Summoned, place 2 Spell Counters on it. This card gains 1000 ATK for each Spell Counter on it. Once per turn, you can remove 1 Spell Counter from a card you control to activate one of these effects:
● Select and destroy 1 card on the field.
● Draw 1 card.
Looks like there's quite a lot to talk about with this gentleman. First of all, he's part of the rising class of cards of fusion monsters that designate a synchro monster as fusion material, much like Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste from the previous set, Duelist Revolution.
Now, he is a fusion summon, so cards like polymerization, fusion gate and the like is necessary to summon him, but his requirements designate any spellcaster synchro monster, of which there are a few. Other than that, any spellcaster will work for the second half of the summon, making him relatively uncomplicated to summon, as these kind of summons go.
Finally, his abilities. First of all, he has 1400 attack, so bottomless trap hole can't shut him down as he enters the field. He comes into play with two spell counters (counters that work for a certain kind of spellcaster deck) which give him 1000 attack per counter. This means that he has 3400 attack upon summoning, but it gets even better. You can remove a spell counter from any card you control (not just him) to blow up a card on the field or draw a card. Magical Citadel abuse, anyone?
Long story short, Supreme Arcanite Magician is a fantastic card, and something that spellcaster players should consider adding to their arsenal of already awesome cards with over-the-top art of coolness. He's a great fusion and might make miracle synchro fusion a more worthwhile card for players to consider.
See you tomorrow when we'll highlight another card in our countdown to Starstrike!
As usual, links and images provided by the Yu-Gi-Oh! Wikia
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