Here at Card Games on the Internet, we like to talk about card games, and often on the internet. Occasionally, however, DS gets sick, or lazy, or whatever, and blog posts don't happen as often as they should. With that in mind, you're here for card preview for Starstrike Blast which should hit stores this Saturday, so let's see a new card:
Funny looking guy, eh? That'd be Genex Ally Axel the first synchro monster in your new favorite machine archetype.
A solid 2600 attacker for an eight star synchro cost he has the following text as ability:
1 "Genex" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters.
Once per turn, you can discard 1 card to select and Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Machine-Type monster from your Graveyard. Double that monster's ATK until the End Phase. It cannot attack your opponent directly, and is removed from play during your End Phase.
Taking a quick look at that ability, which is basically a weakened, or more contained version of Limiter Removal. Why is he worth playing? For a synchro monster, he's absurdly easy to summon.
Since Axel belongs best in a machine deck, or a deck with machine support, a special summoned Cyber Dragon and a normal summoned Genex Controller can summon him right away, and you can then proceed to discard machine monsters to the graveyard to be used as powered up monster destruction. Once your opponent's field is clear, you can always R.D.D all of those monsters to finish your opponent off, especially when combined with the previously mentioned Limiter Removal.
As it stands, Machina/gadget/genex builds are beginning to surface as the face of machine monsters begins to evolve, so look for Genex Ally Axel to invade your deck in a few days.
As usual, images and info courtesy of the Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia
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