Monday, November 1, 2010

YGO- Countdown to Starstrike T-minus4 days: Red Nova Dragon

Loyal readers! I'll make you a deal. It's a once in a 24-hour period deal, but I'll make it all the same. You keep on reading, and I'll show you something awesome.

With Starstrike Blast finally hitting stores at the end of this week, it looks like it's time to bring out the big guns for your viewing pleasure. Here's today's offering, the Red Nova Dragon:

All I can say, at first glance There's actually an English translation of this card on the internet, that's really impressive. But, of course, I'm just being absurd, this card is really fantastic for a whole host of reasons.

At first glance, this massive guy is a 3500 attack beatstick, which makes him one of the most terrifying things around, and he does come with some hefty summoning requirements. Like all of the cards involving the Red Dragon Archfiend, you'll need to have him on the field in order to pull off this spiffy summon, and you'll need two one star tuners. I'm actually fairly certain that this is the first monster that specifically calls for two tuners, but a closer look at the text will tell us more about this bruiser:

2 Tuners + "Red Dragon Archfiend"
This card gains 500 ATK for each Tuner monster in your Graveyard. This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of your opponent's Spells, Traps, or monsters. When your opponent's monster declares an attack, you can select it, then remove this card from play and negate the attack. During the End Phase, Special Summon this card that was removed from play by this effect.

First of all, this monster gains 500 attack for each tuner in your graveyard. This means that if the only tuners you have there are ones you used to summon him, his attack is 5000. That's, quite frankly, insane. The only monsters that can rival him in pure power are cards like Five-headed dragon, but he's (comparably) far easier to summon.

Second effect, he can't be destroyed by anything other than battle. Not that he can't be targeted, he can't be destroyed by your opponent's cards. So, well, good luck dealing with him if your opponent has him on the field.

Finally, he has an ability to similar to Stardust Dragon in that he can remove himself from play for a turn to negate an attack, but then he comes right back.

To sum it all up, he the Red Nova Dragon,


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